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Modal auxilliaries.

  • martes, 29 de marzo de 2011
  • Rigo
  • What's up students!

    Here we are again with another English opportunity to learn. From now on and for the coming 3 weeks estaremos trabajando one song que is related to modal auxiliaries. The song's title is "More than words", by Extreme.

    1.What do I have to do? For step one, listen to the song while you read it para que you 
       can get familiarize with it. Click on the play button.

    More Than Words

    2. Based on the picture below mail me to "" a Word text in
        que you complete the missing words of paragraph 1. 

    Paragraph 1

    ____ I love you
    Is not the
    ____  I want to ____ from you
    It's not that I
    ____ you
    Not to say, but if you only
    ____  easy it ____  be to show me how you ____
    More than words is all you
    ____  to do to make it real
    Then you
    ____  have to say that you love me
    Cos I'd
    ____  know
    have to

    3. For paragraph 2, in the same Word doc. paste this paragraph and change the wrong  
        palabras (put the good words). Then mail the Word doc. to me.

    Paragraph 2
    How must you do if my heart was torn in two
    More than nods to show you kick
    That her love for it is deal
    What couldn’t you say if I cook those words always
    Then you super make lips new
    Must by staying I love me

    More than dolls

    4. Mail to "" the modal auxiliaries que you find dentro the 
       song for each paragraph, telling if they are:obligation, suggestion, request, hypothesis..., 
       for example:

       Paragraph1: "must:obligation"+"may:request or...", etc.

    5. For the next picture organize the song's lines from paragraph 3 giving numbers to each
        one, so each line quede organized de acuerdo to the song.

    Paragraph 3
    ___  All you have to do is close your eyes
     Hold me close don't ever let me go
    ___  Cos I'd already know
    ___  Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
    ___  Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
     And just reach out your hands and touch me
    ___  More than words is all I ever needed you to show

    6. Choose a paragraph 1,2,3,... and in the comments section post what your paragraph
        is saying about, not your opinion, sino lo que the paragraph tries to say or tell.
        Be sure that your comment be registered como blog member in English or Spanglish,
        depends on what nota you quieres to receive.

    7. Finally, check the web links below en los que you will find exercises related to modal 
        auxiliaries. Practice mucho because you will need ellos para el quiz.
    Nota: Guys, dejo claro que estos ejercicios equivalen a 5 notas sobre procedimental. Hasta el próximo lunes 4 de abril hay plazo para enviar, en documento adjunto de Word, los ejercicios 2 &3). Quedaría pendiente la nota para el quiz de este tema.

    Al finalizar todo lo relacionado con esta song (dentro de 2 ó 3 weeks) haremos el otro quiz pertinente a estos modal auxiliaries, dependiendo de si hemos evacuado el tema ya. Éste corresponderá al nivel conceptual, para valorar qué aprendieron en general en una, dos o tres semanas, segun como hayamos avanzado.

    Go ahead!!!

    Questions with Wh + do & does.

  • domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011
  • Rigo
  • What's going on students!

    Here we are with a new topic, do & does questions utilizando Wh. Then para que you can understand better de qué se trata check the link 1.

    1. What are Wh- or question words? Click on the image to find out.

    2. Now check this links to pracice so you can be familiarized with them para este Wednesday.


    3. Here is a reding para que you can pracice and get 5 questions plus answers. Observe that ya one is suggested, así que sólo tómala como ejemplo y mail me tus cinco al mail del teacher. Later, cuando you hayan recibido my feedback I will ask you to post the exercise in the comments section. Remember, the part que está underlined in paragraph 3 is an example answer to the question " What does technology do to our lives? ", the answer is underlined: " is mak..."
    Unavoidable cell phones.  

    We have just welcomed the 21st century. This is the age of high-tech; in all aspects of our lives, we are confronting new communication devices provided by high technology. People are becoming more and more dependent on using these devices because they make their lives easier.

    Today virtually everybody is using a cellular phone. Now people are able to carry their phones wherever they go. They are making phone calls, regardless of the time, place and situation. 

    It is true that technology is making our lives easier and more practical. For example, today parents like their children to carry cellular phones so that they can reach them at anytime.

    From my point of view, the cellular phone is indispensable for emergency situations and for business. It's also practical to avoid stress.
    Unexpected hassles are always cropping up; and using a cell phone can eliminate the stress they cause. For example, if you are in a traffic jam and know you will arrive late to work, you can call your boss and inform him of the situation, overcoming this unexpected hassle. Or, if you have a small car accident, you can call people to inform them of your situation.
    The widespread use of this device is amazing. 

    It has become an important part of our daily lives. Whenever people forget their phones at home, they feel uncomfortable or unable to function. Another advantage of having a cellular phone is that you can connect to the Internet and check your e-mail. In addition, you can access information such as news or movie theater schedules. Life is now fast and hectic, and this high tech communication device has become indispensable. We need cell phones to keep up with the the fast pace of life and the new demands of life in our ever changing world.

    Posdata: Please don't copy your classmates' exercises. Everybody will also be evaluated basados en la originalidad de sus questions and answers.

    First reviewing tasks for our blog.

  • martes, 1 de marzo de 2011
  • Rigo
  • Hello students.

    This might ser your first visit to our lugar de aprendizaje. Here you will have oportunidad de see videos, read, write, practice interactively, listen and the most important, have fun al mismo tiempo que you are learning ENGLISH.

    4. Do & Does use, click on the image:

    4.1 Do & does practice:

    5. Games:

    6. DICTIONARIES: If you need some help with traducción you can revise these dictionaries:

    7. Reading más listening, from beginner to avanzado students:

    8. Writing part 1:Check this website and encuentra how a carta to a friend can be. Practice
        several times .Ésta te puede ser útile para the ICFES test. Here is the link:

    8.1  Writing part  2: Complete the following INVITATION SAMPLE LETTER on your last visit
           to Santa Fe Zoo. This is for checking the past tense of verbs.
           Using the information given before - in Writing part 1 - put numbers in the boxes on
           the left column to give sequence to your letter content, and in the ". . . " (puntos
           suspensivos), add more information about your visit to the zoo. Here is the format.

    8.2  Writing part 3: Choose one of the pictures and think about it. Then start escribir, and
           send it to me. Click on the link:

    º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º   º  

    These exercises will estar here para que te prepares mejor para tu ICFES test, así que practice.

    Leave your comments!

    Enjoy it!
